Are you concerned about your child’s academic performance?
Do you worry about a particular area of their learning?
Do you feel they need additional support in school?
Is your child coming up to exams such as GCSEs or SATs and you want to make sure they have the right arrangements in place?
Do you think they may have traits of Dyslexia or other specific learning difficulties?
Our new educational testing service is here to assist you. We are now offering educational testing at Little Owl Tuition. The testing will focus on multiple areas of learning such as reading and writing speed to assess your child’s performance in each strand and take up to 60 minutes. Once the test is completed, a trained and experienced professional will interpret the results and provide yourself with a written report that can be shared with school, so your child can access the correct support. The report will not only share results but also highlight strategies that can be used at home and in the classroom.
The testing will seek to identify whether your child has any traits of Dyslexia. Although not providing a full diagnosis, this will enable decisions to be made around further testing or support the child may receive at school.