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11+ jitters anyone?

As the 11+ draws closer, we inevitably receive lots of questions and phone calls from parents, worried they aren’t doing enough. Have a look at our quick guide of do’s and don’ts for preparing your child this year.


…approach the 11+ with kindness. Remember, your child is still very young. Let’s not create a pressure cooker!

…timed tests! Most children struggle with the timings. A simple stopwatch can be used when children complete tasks at home. Can they beat their previous time?

…read lots of books. A wide vocabulary is essential in order to do well at the 11+.

…invest in a tutor. Familiarisation of the test format is imperative.

…be realistic. The 11+ is highly competitive. Prepare your child for other options.

…practice, practice, practice. There is a lot of content to get through with the 11+, but don’t assume if they’ve learnt it once, that’s enough. They will need to revise!


…forget the basics. Times tables are the foundations for all areas of maths and shouldn’t be ignored!

…panic! Stay calm. Everything will work out and your child can only do their best. Try and enjoy the process!

…ignore your child’s need for other activities! Exercise can have a real impact in how child retain information.

If you’d like any more information or advice on what you should be doing at home, please do get in touch!

Kate Randall
By Published On: June 20th, 20231.1 min read
Views: 656